Faculty of Graduate Studies

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Research Fields applied, natural, or social science aspects of water resources
Categories No categories available
Citizenship Canadian or Landed Immigrant
Eligibility The Canadian Water Resources Association annually offers six scholarships. These scholarships are available to graduate students whose programs of study focus upon applied, natural, or social sciences aspects of water resources. The scholarships will have the following values:

Dillon Consulting Scholarship This scholarship will be awarded to the highest ranked of the applicants. Value: $5,000
Ken Thomson Scholarship This scholarship will be awarded to the second highest ranked of the applicants. Value: $2,000
CWRA Memorial Scholarship A tribute to CWRA Members remembered by their colleagues donations to the Scholarship Fund Value: $1,500
Harker/Cameron - Women in Water Scholarship This scholarship will be awarded to the highest ranked female applicant whom has not already been awarded a higher scholarship. This scholarship is presented to recognize the ongoing legacy of Jennifer Harker and Valerie Cameron. Value: $2,000.
Rick Ross Student Scholarship This scholarship is presented to recognize the ongoing legacy of Rick Ross. Value: $2,000
Golder Scholarship for Indigenous Students in Water Awarded to the highest ranked Indigenous applicant who has not already been awarded a higher-ranking scholarship. Funding for the 2022 scholarship has been provided by Golder Associates. Value: $2,000

All applicants will receive a one-year membership in the Canadian Water Resources Association. The scholarships are open either to Canadian citizens or landed immigrants attending a Canadian University or college, who are enrolled in full-time graduate studies in any discipline in both Fall and Winter terms of the 2021-2022 academic year. The scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of academic excellence and project relevance to water management and development. When applicants are equal on the basis of these criteria, selection will be based on encouraging broad geographic, discipline and career stage representations as well as considering affirmative action for women.

Value Valued from $1,500.00 to $5,000.00.
Currency Canadian
Tenable at Canadian university or college.
Deadlines February 14
Application Details Visit the Canadian Water Resources Association web site at https://cwra.org/en/scholarships/. Applications will be accepted until February 14, 2022. Please note: access to the submission portal will be opened on November 26, 2021.

A formal awards presentation will be held during the CWRA 75th Annual Conference in Canmore, Alberta (June 5-8, 2022). Scholarship applicants are encouraged to consider submitting an abstract for the conference. Details can be found at: http://www.conference.cwra.org/

Updated: December 14, 2021


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Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
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  The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
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