As a memorial to their father and grandfather, members of the Drewry family established an endowment fund to provide a major research award for Ph.D. students in the Max Rady College of Medicine. The prize will consist of a monetary component, a college-wide lecture and luncheon, and travel costs to present the lecture. Each year, the available annual income and some or all the unspent revenue from the fund will be used to offer one prize to a graduate student who:
(1) was enrolled in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in a doctoral program offered by the Max Rady College of Medicine in the year in which the prize was tenable;
(2) has achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.5 based on the last 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study; and
(3) is a recipient of at least one of the Major Student Research Awards* administered by the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (RFHS).
*Major Student Research Awards are intended to recognize health research excellence in partnership with the annual Manitoba Student Health Research Forum. To be eligible for these awards, students must be in good standing, enrolled within the RFHS or Applied Health Sciences program within the current academic year, and be supervised by an advisor who is appointed with the RFHS.
The recipient of this prize will be invited to present at the Drewry Lecture within the context of the annual Manitoba Student Health Research Forum. The RFHS will have the discretion to determine the value of the prize offered each year based on the available funds and the available unspent revenue, as outlined in the criteria above.
The prize will be based primarily on the excellence of research. Documentation considered relevant by the awards committee will include the following: (i) a cover letter from the student summarizing their research accomplishments; (ii) a summary or copy of the thesis (if available); (iii) reprints of publications (published or manuscripts in press); (iv) a current curriculum vitae ; and (v) letters of support from the student's advisor and any other person knowledgeable of the student's research. These letters should clearly outline the merits of the student's research and also briefly describe other merits of the student.
The deadline for submissions will be announced annually by the Chair of the Major Student Research Awards Committee in the Max Rady College of Medicine.