Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields Humanities
Categories No categories available
Citizenship Unrestricted
Eligibility As a memorial tribute to Heinz Frank, late Executive Director, Canadian Jewish Congress, his friends and associates have established at The University of Manitoba a fund to support an annual scholarship. The scholarship will be valued at the available annual interest.

The scholarship, to be called the Heinz Frank Memorial Scholarship, shall be available for award annually beginning in 1969. It shall be awarded to a student who, having satisfactorily met the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at The University of Manitoba:

1. Was admitted to their Master's or Doctoral program in the Fall 2024 term for this 2024-2025 award competition

2. pursues a full-time program of Master’s or Ph.D. studies - must be registered full-time in both Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 terms to be eligible.

The recipient's major field of study shall be in Humanities, preferably in the area of modern languages.

If for any reason the recipient of this scholarship does not register as required, the scholarship shall be awarded by reversion to the next qualified candidate. If in the judgement of the selection committee there is in any given year no candidate of sufficiently high standing to merit receipt of the scholarship, the award will not be issued in said year.

Value $2,500
Currency Canadian
Tenable at University of Manitoba for the 2024-2025 academic year
Deadlines October 10
Application Details

*To apply, please submit the online application at the following link by the deadline.


In order to be considered for this composite award, the application must include:

1. A current curriculum vitae

2. A statement (approx. 500 words) describing your academic achievements, your involvement in extra-curricular activities, and how you intend to excel in your graduate program

3. Two (2) academic letters of reference - both from professors under whom courses have been taken and are familiar with your academic performance. These two letters should assess the applicant's ability to succeed in a graduate program

4. A current academic transcript. This will not need to be uploaded as part of the application, but will be used as part of the evaluation of candidates

Contact: the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Office at Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca

Updated: October 16, 2024


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Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
500 University Centre

  The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
� The University of Manitoba