Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields International Relations or Industrial Relations
Categories No categories available
Citizenship Unrestricted
Eligibility Open to graduate students of any Canadian university who engage in (commence or continue) graduate study in the United States or the United Kingdom, of international or industrial relations (including the international or industrial relations aspects of law, history, politics and economics).

Mr. King expressed the hope in his will that this scholarship would "afford to Canadian students in the future opportunities to broaden their outlook and sympathies and contribute in some measure to that understanding of the problems and policies of other countries which is the basis of international good will".

The award will be based on high academic achievements (all A's or very nearly so; entire academic history), personal qualities and demonstrated aptitudes.

Approximately (4) four travelling scholarships are awarded annually. Part-Time and Full-Time students are eligible to apply.

Note: this award is tenable in the 2025-2026 academic year, so you must meet the eligibility requirements as of the 2025-2026 academic year to be eligible.

Values $10500-$15000
Four awarded annually across Canada. Approximately $10,500.00-$15,000 but subject to change.
Currency Canadian
Tenable at Universities/Institutions in the United States or the United Kingdom.
Deadlines February 3
Application Details A complete application should consist of the following:

1. Mackenzie King Scholarships-Application form: https://mkingscholarships.ca/home-page/download-an-application/
Click on download an application

The Mackenzie King Scholarships-Application form must be signed and uploaded into the UM Graduate Studies Application Portal: https://applygrad.umanitoba.ca/apply/?sr=46232078-6f87-469b-bf89-13c11be1be68;

2. Sheet A-Supplementary information on academic achievements and experience:

Awards received (name, years of tenure and annual value) and publications and professional work experience related to your field of study;

Sheet A may be more than one page and there is no format requirement.

3. Sheet B-Personal Statement:

Academic interests, extracurricular activities, program of studies pursuing and career plans;

Sheet B should not exceed 600 words and there is no format requirement.

4. Certified copies of official transcripts from each University attended (excluding UM). Non UM University Transcript(s) can be downloaded into your application but Official/Certified copies of non UM transcripts must be received. Non UM Certified copies can be mailed or dropped off in person c/o FGS Awards 500 University Centre, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 in an envelope marked "FGS Awards-Mackenzie King Open Scholarship". If ordering transcripts electronically, you may have the certified copy sent directly to UM-FGS Awards. UM transcripts are automatically uploaded within the application portal.

5. (3) Three letters of reference from persons who have knowledge of your record and ability and are able to give a critical evaluation of your plans for graduate study. At least two of these testimonials must be from persons under whom you have taken your major work at university, or from senior colleagues with whom you have been associated in academic teaching or research.

Letters of reference must be confidential, i.e. not accessible to the candidate.

The online application system will prompt you to enter the names and email addresses of your referees, and the online system will send them an email requesting that they submit their reference for your award application online.

Sheet A, Sheet B and references can be addressed to "Mackenzie King Scholarship Competition"

The Mackenzie King application form must be uploaded into your UM application (Online Application Portal).

Application form, Criteria and How to apply can be found on the Mackenzie King website: http://www.mkingscholarships.ca/

Applications must be submitted online. Paper copies, incomplete, and late applications will not be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be recommended to the Mackenzie King committee for consideration.

Award recipient will be notified end of May, by the Mackenzie King Selection Committee. Payment of the first instalment is conditional upon receipt of satisfactory evidence that the candidate has been admitted into the graduate program in which the scholarship application was submitted.

If you have inquiries regarding this award that are not addressed on the Mackenzie King website, please contact Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Office by email: graduate.awards@umanitoba.ca

Updated: 2025


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Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
500 University Centre

  The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
� The University of Manitoba