Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields Zoology
Categories Natural, Physical or Life Sciences
Citizenship Unrestricted
Eligibility In memory of Dr. Josefine Constantia Rauch, long a distinguished member of the Department of Zoology, her colleagues and friends have established a fund at The University of Manitoba.
From this fund, effective at the end of the 1984-85 regular academic year two prizes will be awarded annually.
One prize of $200 will be available to the student who achieves highest standing in the course in Human Physiology, presently numbered 22.245.
Within the earnings available after award of the $200 prize in Human Physiology, up to four prizes, each of equal value, will be available to graduate students in Zoology who, in the judgment of the J.C. Rauch Memorial Committee, have made outstanding contributions to the Department's undergraduate teaching.
Value $200
Currency Canadian
Tenable at University of Manitoba
Deadlines No deadlines available
Application Details Contact the Department of Zoology.

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Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
500 University Centre

  The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
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