Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields Unrestricted Women
Categories Unrestricted
Citizenship Canadian or Permanent Resident
Eligibility The award is intended to attract outstanding female students into a Program of studies leading to the PhD degree. To be eligible, student must have been accepted into a PhD program at Dalhousie before applying for the scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded to Canadian citizens or permanent residents only; with preference given to candidates from the Atlantic Provinces. Award recipients will be identified by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship Committee. The general Dalhouse Graduate Award Rules are applied, except that the Award must be taken up upon commencing the first year of the degree program. The Award is renewable, subject to an annual progress review (first-class standing required) by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship Committee. An award can be held for a maximum of 36 mnths of full-time study. One new award is made each year. Fees are not waived and must be paid out of the award.
Value $24000
Currency Canadian
Tenable at Dalhousie University
Deadlines March 15
Application Details Visit the Dalhousie University web site at http://dalgrad.dal.ca/currentstudents/forms/#eliza Contact: Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University, Roon 314, Henry Hicks Academic Administration Bldg, 6299 South Street, Halifax NS B3H 4H6 Updated: February 6, 2012

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