Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields Law, Business, Philosophy, Political Studies
Categories Business
Citizenship No citizenship available
Eligibility Applications are invited from senior university or college students or graduates in any field relevant to ethics in leadership for an internship with the Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership. Interns work with the Foundation on research, program development and implementation, publications, public engagement, and related administrative support.
The Foundation seeks Interns who display an understanding of ethics in leadership and public life,demonstrated experience in working with the community, strong organizational skills, superior writing skills and a personal commitment to the Foundation's mission.
Value Stipend of $37,260 for the nine month period.
Currency Canadian
Tenable at 2013-2014 Sheldon Chumir Foundation Internship in Ethics in Leadership.
Deadlines March 15
Application Details Visit the Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership web site at http://www.chumirethicsfoundation.ca/main/page.php?page_id=45
Applications must include:
  • a brief essay (not more than 1500 words) describing the applicant's interest in and views on ethics in leadership, how this subject is realted to his/her academic program and career plans, and what ideas, knowledge and skills the applicant would bring to the work of the Foundation
  • a curriculum vitae
  • names and contact information for three referees who have been asked to send letters of support directly to the Foundation
  • if the applicant is not a Canadian citizen, then the application must include evidence that the applicant is legally entitled to work in Canada, for example, copy of work permit or of landed immigrant status.
    Applications, including the three letters of reference, not completed by the deadline will not be considered.
    Contact: The Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership, Suite 970, 105 - 12 Avenue S.E., Calgary AB T2G 1A1, Telephone: 403-244-6666 Fax: 403-244-5596 Email: info@chumir.ca Updated: February 8, 2013

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    Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
    500 University Centre

      The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
    Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
    � The University of Manitoba