Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields urology travel conference
Categories Medical Health Sciences
Citizenship No citizenship available
Eligibility Mrs. Dawn Swartz, wife of the late Dr. David Swartz, has established a fund at the University of Manitoba in memory of her husband. Dr. David Swartz was born in Oswiecim, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in 1904. At age four months, he travelled to Canada with his family. He received a Degree from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba in 1928 and was a two-time Isbister Scholarship winner as a Medical student. His first practice was set up in rural Saskatchewan. In 1932, Dr. Swartz travelled back to Europe to further his studies at Edinburgh University, specializing in Urology. He practised in London, Vienna and Berlin, but returned to Canada before World War II, during the Nazi uprisings. He served during the war with the Canadian Army Medical Corps and rose to the rank of Major. Upon return to Canada, he established a practice in Winnipeg in the Medical Arts Building and later at the Winnipeg Clinic, where he worked at the time of his retirement. Dr. Swartz was a member of many national urological associations, serving as President of the Canadian Urological Association. He was a widely published author of urological articles and a collector of early urological instruments, which he donated to collections at the Medical Museum in Ottawa. He served as Honourary Consultant in Urology at most major hospitals in Winnipeg.
In the academic years 2001-2002 and 2002-2003, the awards in honour of Dr. Swartz will total $2,500 in value each year. Starting with the academic year 2003-2004, the available annual income from the fund shall support this award. Each year, the available annual income on the fund will be disbursed in the form of awards which will assist in defraying the costs associated with travelling to a conference. The value and number of awards will vary from year to year as decided upon by the selection committee and will be based on the available annual income and the costs of individual conferences. Awards will be offered to students who:
  • are enrolled as residents in the Department of Surgery at the University of Manitoba, specifically in the area of Urology;
  • have been accepted to present research findings at a conference related to the specialization of Urology (in years where no resident will be presenting research findings, funds may be used to allow a resident/s to attend the conference as a general attendee).
  • Value available annual income
    Currency Canadian
    Tenable at University of Manitoba, Department of Surgery
    Deadlines No deadlines available
    Application Details Contact the Head, Section of Urology

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