Faculty of Graduate Studies

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Eligibility The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation offers a Scholarship that is more than a scholarship. This three-year leadership program is designed to train Engaged Leaders, equipping outstanding doctoral candidates with the skills to translate their ideas into action, for the betterment of their communities, Canada, and the world. Scholars are selected each year and receive leadership training in the context of Brave Spaces, in addition to generous funding for their studies. Are you ready to embark on a leadership development journey rooted in Brave Spaces?

To apply to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Scholarship, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

1) You must be registered or already accepted into or in year one or two of a full-time doctoral program, and expected to complete your doctoral studies in 2027 or later.

2) Your field of study is broadly related to the humanities or human sciences of direct relevance to the future of Canada; (please refer to the FAQ for more details and read up on past scholarship recipients)

3) Your doctoral work must relate to at least one of the Foundation’s Four Themes: Human Rights and Dignity, Responsible Citizenship, Canada and the World, People and their Natural Environment.

4) Be a Canadian citizen studying at a Canadian or foreign institution, or a non-Canadian (permanent resident of Canada or foreign national) enrolled in a doctoral program at a Canadian institution.

For further information, please visit https://www.trudeaufoundation.ca/become-scholar

For Frequently Asked Questions, please visit https://www.trudeaufoundation.ca/faq

Value Up to $40,000 per year for three years to cover tuition and reasonable living expenses to focus on their doctoral studies and the Foundation's leadership program.
Currency Canadian
Tenable at No details on tenability available
Deadlines December 1
Application Details Applications must be submitted online by December 1, 2023 at 5:00pm EST via the Trudeau Foundation Application Portal:


Updated November 7, 2023


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Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
500 University Centre

  The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
� The University of Manitoba