Faculty of Graduate Studies

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Research Fields unrestricted
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Citizenship No citizenship available
Eligibility Purpose: These guidelines are promugated to encourage outstanding foreign students to study at NPUST, and to assist them with living on campus without difficulties and successfully completing their studies. The scholarships are for all foreign students currently studying at or applying for enrollment in NPSUT are qualified. Those who are receiving scholarship(s) from other sources are not eligible. The number of foreign student awarded in limited for forty per academic year.
  • students with a foreign nationality
  • new foreign students are eligible for such application while applying for admission to NPUST
  • currently enrolled foreign students (including renewal applicants) applying for a scholarship are required to submit a copy of their transcript for the previous academic year showing an average of 75 points or more for undergraduates and 80 points or more for graduate students. In addition, the grade of conduct msut reach 80 points or more.
  • Value The value is not available
    Currency Canadian
    Tenable at National Pingtung University Science and Technology Pingtung Taiwan
    Deadlines No deadlines available
    Application Details Visit the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology web site at http://www.npust.edu.tw/portaldoc/sholarship/NPUST%20Scholarship.pdf Deadline for Application: For new foreign students: the application must be submitted along with the application for admission to NPUST by April 30 for the following academic year. For currently enrolled foreign student (including renewal applicants): applications must be submitted between July 20 and Augsut 5 for the following academic year. Contact: National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, 1, Hseuh Fu Road, Neipu, Pingtung 912, Taiwan Telephone: 686-8-7703202 Email: internation@npust.edu.tw Updated: February 3, 2012

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    Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
    500 University Centre

      The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
    Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
    � The University of Manitoba