Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields Irish and Canadian Scholars, unrestricted
Categories Unrestricted
Citizenship Specified Nationalities
Eligibility Since its establishment in 1993, The Ireland Canada University Foundation has awarded Dobbin Scholarships to Irish and Canadian scholars and academics whose research has the potential to contribute to the rich academic and cultural relationship which exists between these two countries. Dobbin Scholarships are targeted at scholars in the early stages of their research career, and are open to scholars of all academic disciplines. The Canadian awards are to support scholars resident in Canada seeking to make a short research visit to a Irish university or similar institution.

  • must be permanent residents of either country, and have been living there for at least five years.
  • The visit must take place within 12 months after the award is made.
  • The term "Ireland" refers to the entirety of the island of Ireland.
Value Funds are provided to meet the costs of a short visit of two to four weeks to a university or research institution in Ireland. The amount of the award depends on duration of research stay.
Currency Canadian
Tenable at Ireland
Deadlines April 19
Application Details Visit the Ireland Canada University Foundation web site at http://www.icuf.ie/dobbin-scholarship/ for details.

Contact: Ireland Canada University Foundation, ICUF, c/o The Canadian Embassy, 7-8 Wilton Terrace, Dublin 2; Email: scholarships@icuf.ie
Updated: February 20, 2013

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