The June 2025 Application Will Open in April!
The Faculty of Graduate Studies internal deadline for this competition is Wednesday September 25th, 2024 at 4:00pm.
Complete applications are to be submitted via email, as a PDF file, to:
Attention: Allison Aubin
Please note that you must apply using the CGS-MSFSS application form appropriate to your agency (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC). The form must be submitted, completed and signed, as a scanned PDF to the email address above. Application forms and procedures can be found at the link at the bottom of this database entry.
Two letters of support are required for this application. One letter of support must come from your current University of Manitoba Supervisor, and the other must come from the prospective Host Supervisor at the institution you intend to visit during your study (maximum one page letter per supervisor is required).
These letters of reference must be included as part of your application. Each letter must be formatted on letterhead, must clearly indicate the contact information for the supervisor, and must be signed. Per the tri-agencies instructions the letters must detail your current supervisor and host supervisor's "support of your research study period abroad." Your current supervisor must also confirm that the research you will be doing abroad is related to your CGS research topic in their letter. The host supervisor must indicate that they have resources available (financial [if any], supervision time, equipment, library access, etc.) to support your planned research activities. If the host supervisor's primary place of employment is outside academia, they must demonstrate that they have supervised graduate student researchers."
PLEASE NOTE Applicants are now required to submit "Consent to Disclosure" or "Terms & Conditions" forms. Ensure you follow all instructions found on each respective agency's website and include these signed consent or terms forms as part of your complete application.
Late and Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Please note that application forms for each agency are now all available via the NSERC website in order to harmonize the process. This can be found at:
Please ensure that the application form used corresponds to the agency that administers your award - NSERC, SSHRC, or CIHR.
Please review all agency guidelines and application materials before submitting additional questions to the contact listed below. It is the student's responsibility to ensure their application is complete as per their agency.
Contact: Allison Aubin, Awards Coordinator
Updated: February 13, 2025