Faculty of Graduate Studies

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Research Fields work, health
Categories No categories available
Citizenship No citizenship available
Eligibility The Institute of Work & Health (IWH) has established a research training fellowship program. The S. Leonard Syme Training Fellowships in Work and Health are for young researchers at the master's or doctoral level intending to study work and health. Preference will be given to candidates whose research interests include understanding the social determinants of health and illness in work environments, evaluating workplace interventions to improve health, and/or exploring the measurement issues associated with either of these two areas. IWH is particularly interested in candidates who show a commitment to research that promises to reduce work-related injury, illness and disability in Ontario. In the spirit of Dr. Syme's own contributions to research mentorship, candidates from any disciplinary background are eligible for training fellowships. The term of an award will be 12 months. A major Syme Fellowship award is not normally held by a candidate also holding another major fellowship training award. Successful candidates will be expected to present some aspect of their research work at an IWH plenary during the course of the fellowship. They will also be invited to participate in other aspects of academic life at the Institute. Candidates for the S. Leonard Syme Training Fellowships in Work & Health may apply prior to confirmation of acceptance to an MSc or PhD training program. Candidates who have partially completed their program of study will also be considered. Recipients of the award will typically be enrolled at an Ontario university that has a formal affiliation with the Institute for Work & Health (McMaster University, York University, University of Waterloo and the University of Toronto). Consideration may be given to applicants applying from other universities. IWH expects the candidate's supervisor or co-supervisor to be an Institute Scientist or Adjunct Scientist, although applications may be accepted by applicants who do not have a current affiliation with the Institute. Successful candidates without IWH affiliation will be assigned an IWH mentor.
Value a major award of up to $15,000 and a minor award of up to $5,000
Currency Canadian
Tenable at No details on tenability available
Deadlines No deadlines available
Application Details Visit the Institute of Work & Health web site at http://www.iwh.on.ca/syme Contact: Ms. Harriet South, Institute for Work & Health, 481 University Ave., Suite 800 Toronto, ON M5G 2E9 E-mail to: hsouth@iwh.on.ca Updated: February 1, 2012

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