Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields unrestricted policy relevant issues, Asia Pacific
Categories Business
Natural, Physical or Life Sciences
Social Sciences and Humanities
Citizenship Canadian or Landed Immigrant
Eligibility The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada is committed to fostering the next generation of reseachers and analysts. To that end, it offers up to five one-year fellowships for recent Master's and Doctoral graduates whose academic background and professional goals include policy-relevant issued in the contemporary Asia Pacific. The Foundation welcomes applications from graduates in the social sciences, humanities, business, statistics, natural sciences and otehr academic and professional programs.
Post-Graduate Research Fellows are based at our downtown Vancouver offices and divide their time between a self-directed research project on Canada-Asis relations (or other Asia-related topics with clear Canadian policy implications) and the Foundation's other activities.
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants and must have completed a Master's or Doctoral program no more than 18 months prior to the application deadline.
Value PhD award $38,000 MA award $35,000 for a one-year term
Currency Canadian
Tenable at Vancouver
Deadlines February 14
Application Details Visit the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada web site at http://www.asiapacific.ca/grants Applications should include:
  • Résumé detailing academic background.
  • A writing sample (published or non-published).
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals who know the applicant. These must be sent directly by the individuals to APF Canada by the application deadline.
  • A 500-750 word description of the project that would be undertaken at the Foundation. Contact: Grants Administrator, Suite 220, 890 West Pender Street, Vancouver BC V6C 1J9 Email: mailto:researchgrants@asiapacific.ca Updated: January 25, 2012

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    Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
    500 University Centre

      The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
    Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
    � The University of Manitoba