Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields Finance
Categories Business
Citizenship No citizenship available
Eligibility The 2010 Northern Finance Association conference Co-Chairs have established an endowment fund at the University of Manitoba to be used to offer travel awards for students pursuing graduate studies in the area of finance. The available annual interest from the fund will be used to offer one or more travel awards with a minimum value of $450 each, to graduate students who:

  • are enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, in the Ph.D. in Management, with a specialization in the area of finance;
  • have achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.5 (or equivalent) based on courses completed in the Ph.D. in Management;
  • will be attending the Northern Finance Association conference or any other reputable conference in North America (including but not limited to Financial Management Association International, Eastern Finance Association, Midwest Financial Association, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada), to present the results of their graduate research (full oral presentation);
  • have demonstrated research ability based on the paper submitted and the proposed research results to be presented at the conference.

Candidates will be required to submit an application that includes a copy of their paid registration and of the research paper submitted to the Northern Finance Association Conference or other qualified conference in North America. Applications will be reviewed after the acceptance date for the Northern Finance Association conference as this conference will be given priority for funding. If no students are presenting at the Northern Finance Association conference or no travel award is granted to a student to attend the Northern Finance Association conference, then subsequent calls for award applications for other finance conferences will be made and reviewed following the acceptance dates until all awards for the year are granted.

The selection committee will have the discretion to determine the number and value of awards offered based on the available funds and the strength of the applications received, with the proviso that the minimun value will be $450. Selection of the recipient will be based on the quality of the paper submitted and proposed research to be presented and the potential value of the conference to the student's development. In any year that there are no qualified candidates, the award may not be offered.

To receive a disbursement from the award fund, the award recipient must submit receipts for travel, registration, hotel and/or food expenses (based on current UM per diem rates). Expenses will be reimbursed up to the maximum value of the recipient's award. Funding must be used by the recipient prior to graduating.
Value $450
Currency Canadian
Tenable at University of Manitoba
Deadlines No deadlines available
Application Details Please contact I.H. Asper School of Business for applications.

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  The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
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