Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields Unrestricted
Categories No categories available
Citizenship Unrestricted
Eligibility Must be able to meet the entrance requirements for the PhD program in Economics (Economics and Society Stream) at the University of Manitoba.
Value $80,000

$20,000 in each year of a four-year PhD program in Economics (Economics and Society Stream).

Currency Canadian
Tenable at The University of Manitoba beginning in the Fall term of the 2022-2023 academic year.
Deadlines No deadlines available
Application Details Research field: Community Economic Development in the Canadian North. Successful applicants will work in conjunction with Oceans North to shape their PhD research.

Application process: Adjudication of applicants will be done by the Economics and Society Graduate Committee during the admission process to the PhD program. The application is not available online. If you have questions or would like to request an application, please contact John Serieux, Chair, Graduate Committee, Economics and Society, University of Manitoba, (john.serieux@umanitoba.ca).

Last updated October 15th, 2021


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Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
500 University Centre

  The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
� The University of Manitoba