Faculty of Graduate Studies

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Research Fields city planning
Categories Aboriginal
Citizenship No citizenship available
Eligibility David Witty, PhD, MRAIC, FCIP, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture (2001-2009), through a personal donation and with funds received while he was Dean, for his design charrette outreach community work, has established an endowment fund at the University of Manitoba. The Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative has made a contribution to the fund. The fund will be used to offer the Dean David Witty Urban Design Scholarship in the Department of City Planning, Faculty of Architecture. The scholarship will be awarded to a City Planning student who is completing a thesis/practicum/comprehensive urban design topic. The available annual income from the fund will be used to offer one scholarship, to a graduate student who:
  • is enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, in the second year of the Master of City Planning;
  • has achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.5 on course work completed at the Master’s level;
  • has received approval on a thesis/practicum/comprehensive topic that focuses on a City of Winnipeg urban design issue(s).
Preference will be given to a student who is Aboriginal and/or a single parent.
Value $1500
Currency Canadian
Tenable at Faculty of Architecture
Deadlines No deadlines available
Application Details Contact the Faculty of Architecture.
Research Fields Law in Aboriginal Rights
Categories Aboriginal
Citizenship Unrestricted
Eligibility This fellowship is both a top-up award to the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship or it can be offered to an entering graduate student in the Faculty of Law. The award will either be offered to the highest ranked UMGF recipient entering the Master of Law program at the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law or it can be given independently by the Faculty of Law to an entering LLM student not receiving a University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship. Preference will be given to a suitable candidate for graduate studies who is of aboriginal background or, if not, is intending to focus his/her graduate work in an area relating to aboriginal rights. If in any year there is neither a suitable aboriginal candidate or a suitable aboriginal project, the award is to be made to the best applicant, preferably one whose thesis proposal involves the broader issues of constitutional law and human rights.
Value $2,000
Currency Canadian
Tenable at University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law
Deadlines No deadlines available
Application Details Contact the Faculty of Law.
Name HILL, ELIZABETH SCHOLARSHIP (full or part-time)
Research Fields First Nations social work mental health aboriginal children families
Categories Aboriginal
Social Work
Citizenship Specified Nationalities
Eligibility A scholarship fund is being established at The University of Manitoba to honour the memory of Elizabeth Hill, a faculty member in the Faculty of Social Work from 1983 to 1991, and to acknowledge the outstanding contribution she made as a social worker and academic.
The scholarship is intended to support students with a special interest in mental health services to aboriginal children and their families. Preference will be given to candidates who have contributed to First Nations communities or who show great potential to do so in their future efforts as social workers. Aboriginal students will be self-identified through the admissions process and will require letters of recommendation from members of the First Nations community. Eligible candidates must be registered part-time or full-time in the Social Clinical Stream of the Master of Social Work (MSW) Program and must have direct practice interests with children and/or families. (When doctoral-level studies are available in the Faculty of Social Work, doctoral students with direct practice interests with children and/or families will also be eligible.)
Value available annual interest
Currency Canadian
Tenable at University of Manitoba
Deadlines No deadlines available
Application Details Contact the Faculty of Social Work.
Research Fields Aboriginal health
Categories Aboriginal
Medical, Health or Psycho-Social
Natural, Physical or Life Sciences
Social Sciences and Humanities
Citizenship No citizenship available
Eligibility The Network Environment for Aboriginal Health Research (NEAHR) Program seeks to expand the pool of Aboriginal health researchers and contribute to the development of a sustainable and collaborative research environment for First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities in Manitoba. The NEAHR Program offers a variety of supports and opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, new faculty and community-based research teams. Fellowship awards are available for students in Masters and PhD programs whose research focuses on Aboriginal health issues. Graduate Fellowship The NEAHR Graduate Fellowship is an award for one year to support graduate studies at the Masters or PhD level in Aboriginal health. Students must be accepted into a graduate program and be a full-time student at the time of the award start date. Priority is given to students enrolled in Manitoba programs and/or students whose research is primarily based in Manitoba or neighboring communities in Nunavut. Successful applicants must adhere to the Canadian Institute of Health Research guidelines regarding employment and holding concurrent fellowships/awards Value: $17,500 for Masters, $20,000 for PhD Graduate Research Grant in Aboriginal Health This award is intended to provide support for thesis related research expenses for graduate students working in the area of Aboriginal health. Students must be enrolled in a graduate program (Masters or PhD) that has a research focus (i.e. requires the completion of a research-based thesis or dissertation) and the research topic must be in the area of Aboriginal health. Applications will be considered from students studying at Manitoba's post-secondary institutions; consideration will also be given to Manitoba students studying at institutions outside of the province provided that the student can demonstrate a connection to Manitoba (e.g. Manitoba residency, member of a Manitoba community). Applicants must have an academic supervisor and a research project identified at the time of application. Successful applicants must be prepared to undertake their thesis research project within the time frame of this funding (March 2011 - February 2012) Value: $5,000 to be used towards eligible research expenses.
Value The value is not available
Currency Canadian
Tenable at No details on tenability available
Deadlines No deadlines available
Application Details Visit the Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research web site at http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/medicine/units/community_health_sciences/departmental_units/cahr/training/6016.html for an application form. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. All funding decisions made by the review committee are final. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Program Coordinator to discuss their application prior to submission.
Contact: NEAHR Program Coordinator, c/o Centre for Aboriginal Health Research, 715 Buhler Research Centre, University of Manitoba, 715 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3E 3P4 Telephone: 204-975-7752 Fax: 204-975-7783 Email: cahr@umanitoba.ca Updated: January 06, 2012
Research Fields Aboriginal Natural Sciences and Engineering
Categories Aboriginal
Environmental Studies
Natural, Physical or Life Sciences
Citizenship Canadian or Permanent Resident
Eligibility The Aboriginal Ambassadors in the Natural Sciences and Engineering Award (AANSEA) aims to engage Aboriginal students and fellows in promoting interest and participation in the natural sciences and engineering by visiting Canada’s Aboriginal communities and schools and sharing their research and education experiences or participating in science promotion events and activities.

  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada
  • Aboriginal person - for the purposes of this document, NSERC uses the Canadian Constitution Act, 1982 definition of Aboriginal peoples as including the Indian, Inuit, and Métis peoples of Canada.
  • be registered full-time in a degree program in the natural sciences or engineering (NSE) at an eligible institution or be employed at an eligible institution as a postdoctoral fellow in the NSE;
  • have obtained, over the previous years of study (minimum of two academic terms), a cumulative average of at least second class (a grade of "B" or "B-", if applicable) as defined by your institution.
  • Value $5000
    * travel (air, rail, car rental, taxi, etc.); * accommodation (hotel, etc.); * meals; * material and supplies needed for demonstrations or experiments; and * incidental expenses (photocopying, faxes, etc.).
    Currency Canadian
    Tenable at No details on tenability available
    Deadlines No deadlines available
    Application Details Visit NSERC web site at http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/Aboriginal-Autochtones_eng.asp for details.

    There are no fixed deadlines for this award. Applications must be made at least two months before the start of a proposed outreach activity. The awards available in a given year will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Tel: 613-943-7653
    Email: ambassadors@nserc-crsng.gc.ca

    Updated: March 22, 2017
    Research Fields First Nations graduate students in Social Work
    Categories Aboriginal
    Social Work
    Citizenship Unrestricted
    Eligibility From the testamentary gift of Esther Seidl and through gifts in her memory, a fund has been established for the purpose of providing assistance to First Nations graduate students in the Faculty of Social Work. Ms. Seidl was a graduate student in Social Work, having completed her Master of Social Work degree in February of 1997. She died on May 22, 1997. The available annual income from the fund will support scholarships, the value and number of which will be determined annually by the selection committee, for students who:
  • are First Nations students;
  • are enrolled as full-time students in the Master of Social Work or Ph.D. program in Social Work;
  • have completed all courses required for the degree and have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on these courses;
  • are working on the thesis or practicum portion of their degree requirements.
  • Value Available annual income from fund.
    Currency Canadian
    Tenable at University of Manitoba, Faculty of Social Work
    Deadlines No deadlines available
    Application Details Contact the Faculty of Social Work.
    Research Fields Architecture
    Categories Aboriginal
    Citizenship Specified Nationalities
    Eligibility Mr. Allan Waisman, with a contribution from the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative, has established an endowment fund of $100,000 to support graduate scholarship for Aboriginal students in the Faculty of Architecture. Allan Waisman is the founder of Waisman Dewar Grout Carter, now called Architectura. The firm is one of the largest architectural and planning firms in Canada. Its work in Canada, the United States and Europe emphasizes unique design solutions that are based on a sensitivity to people, the environment and the needs of the client. Mr. Waisman has also been active with many professional and community commitments across Canada and the U.S. The scholarship will be offered to a graduate student who: 1) is Aboriginal (Status, non-Status, Metis, Inuit); 2) has successfully completed a Bachelor of Environmental Design at the University of Manitoba; 3) achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in their undergraduate program; 4) has the best record of cummunity work, volunteerism or other related activity in an Aboriginal organization or community; 5) is registered as a full-time Master's student in any of the four graduate programs in the Faculty of Architecture: Architecture, City Planning, Interior Design or Landscape Architecture.
    Value The value is not available
    Currency Canadian
    Tenable at The University of Manitoba, Faculty of Architecture
    Deadlines No deadlines available
    Application Details Contact the Faculty of Architecture.

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    Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
    500 University Centre

      The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
    Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
    � The University of Manitoba