Faculty of Graduate Studies

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One award returned

Research Fields Unrestricted
Categories No categories available
Citizenship No citizenship available
Eligibility Lorna Irene Eggertson established an endowment fund at the University of Manitoba, through a bequest of $175,000 in 2010.

The purpose of the fund is to reward and support graduate students in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Each year, beginning in 2023-2024, the available annual income from the fund will be used to offer one or more scholarships with a minimum value of $2,500 each to graduate students who:

(1) have self-identified as Black;

(2) are enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in any master’s or doctoral program offered through any faculty, college, or school at the University of Manitoba; and

(3) have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.0 based on the last 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study.

Preference will be given to students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

Value Max. 7 awards at min. $2,500 each.

The selection committee will have the discretion to determine the number and value of awards offered each year based on the available funds.

Currency Canadian
Tenable at Tenable at the University of Manitoba in the Faculty of Graduate Studies program for 2024-2025. Must have been registered in the aid year the award is being offered.
Deadlines No deadlines available
Application Details The 2024-2025 Application is CLOSED

***To apply, please submit the online application at the following link by the deadline.***


Contact: Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Office:graduate.awards@umanitoba.ca

Updated: 2024


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Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
500 University Centre

  The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
� The University of Manitoba